First Years
First Year support team
The first-year team is filled with professionals here to ensure a smooth transition from high school to U of T Engineering. They will provide you with the resources you need to make decisions, as the choices you make in your first year will shape the rest of your academic career.
Some ways they provide support include:
Academic advising
The Summer Foundation program
Weekly e-newsletter
The facilitation of Guided Engineering Academic Review Sessions (GEARS) led by upper-year academic mentors.
Exam Jam events are designed to help you prepare and destress before final exams.
You may find more support by visiting the First Year Office
Located in the Galbraith Building
35 St. George Street, Room 170
Toronto, ON M5S 1A4 Canada
416-978-4625 |
First Year Courses
Sample TImetable
Here is a sample first-year timetable
LEC (Lectures): Normal class hours. Typically three hours per week per course and are taught by members of the faculty.
TUT (Tutorials): Givse you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have in a more informal and interactive atmosphere and are led by a teaching assistant (TA) who is pursuing graduate studies at U of T.
PRA (Practicals): Often known as “labs”, allow for group collaboration or working with partners depending on the course.
ChemClub Academic Events
Academic Review Sessions and Townhalls
and our very own
Chem Club Frosh Week!
Key locations
GB - Galbraith Building
KC - Koffler Students Services Centre
SF - Sandford Fleming Building
Experiential Learning Commons
CIE - Center for International Experience
Centre for International Experience
700 Bay Street
800 Bay Street, 5th Floor