Common Room

Home of all things chem

The Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Common Room is located in room 238 of the Wallberg Building (WB238)

The Common Room features a pool table, a foosball table, video games, vending machines, and many more recreational activities available to all ChemEng students. The common room has plenty of couches and tables that you can use for individual work, team meetings, or simply for relaxing and having fun with friends! Feel free to stop by anytime!

Common Room event booking

In an effort to be inclusive and welcoming, the ChemEng common room is open to all clubs on campus to use for events.  If you are a club looking to book the common room, please fill out the form below and our common room managers will contact you with more information.

Feedback and complaints

Although we strive for greatness with our common room, there may be times where we fall short.  If you have any concerns or feedback about the common room that you would like to bring up with our common room managers, please fill out the form below.